Event of Breach

First-time Offender (1)

Repeat Offender (II)

Inappropriate language (depending on the level of gravity, including insults against other players or GM).
※Including inappropriate language in public channels, insult against other players or GM

Account lockage for 3 days

Account lockage for 7 days

Malicious influence of gaming by others (depending on the level of gravity)
※Including but not limited to personal verification by GM, videorecording/screenshot complaint by players

Account lockage for 3 days

Account lockage for 3 days

Inappropriate pseudo name
※Please change the inappropriate pseudo name or delete the role within 7 days

Account lockage for 7 days, please contact customer service

Inappropriate guild name
※Please change the inappropriate guild name or dissolve the guild within 7 days

Account lockage, please contact customer service

Account lockage for 3 days

Incomplete personal data

Account lockage for 3 days

Termination of Game Service Agreement

Intention of recognition of buying cash (game point card) or selling account, prop, game coins or points

Permanent restriction on account transactional functions, please contact customer service

Termination of Game Service Agreement

Impersonating official staff
※Claiming to be an official representative, game administrator, etc. by pseudo name or statement

Termination of Game Service Agreement

Use bugs to play the game (depending on the level of gravity, including malicious alteration of gaming program, duplicating game objects, etc.)
※Including promotion and spreading news about bugs, or malicious alteration of gaming program, duplicating game objects, etc.

Termination of Game Service Agreement

Use of automated assisting programs such as plugins, scripts, etc. (including failure to cooperate with GM’s investigation)
※Including failure to cooperate with GM’s investigation

Termination of Game Service Agreement

Use or distribution of non-inbuilt game program such as plugin/private server/script (including but not limited to automated leveling, acceleration and software/hardware plugin)

Termination of Game Service Agreement

Installation of private server without official or original manufacturer’s authorization

Termination of Game Service Agreement

System-determined abnormal gaming behavior
※Detection of abnormal gaming behavior for a certain number of times, suspected abnormal alteration of customer-end program, existence of abnormal packet or anomalous customer-end program, etc.

Permanent restriction on account transactional functions

Termination of Game Service Agreement

Theft of other players’ account, points, game coins or props

Termination of Game Service Agreement

Fraud against other players’ account, points, game coins or props
※If confirmed through verification, defrauded electromagnetic records such as game coins and props, will also be confiscated

Termination of Game Service Agreement

Possession of stolen property or illegal prop
※Electromagnetic records in possession such as game coins, stolen property and illegal props will also be confiscated
Account lockage for 7 days, please contact customer service
1. These game administration terms and conditions are revised and applicable from 27 January 2022. If any subsequent changes are required, amendments will be made based on the actual situation and published on the official website of “Elsword Online.”
2. The Company has the authority to “establish, change or delete” game administration rules. The contents of game administration rules may be amended due to a specific service update or upgrade. In case of such change, the new contents will be published on the official website and log-in page of the game. The Company will not compensate any player’s loss due to lack of knowledge about the published changes of game administration rules.
3. In the handling of each case, accounts may be locked based on the game rules and professional judgment by customer service staff. In serious cases, aggravated sanctions may be imposed based on the actual situation (the above standards will be based on the number of breaches).
4. In special circumstances, Gamania Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd. reserves the right of account disposition (including but not limited to temporary account lockage). 5. We expect players to comply with game related rules to create a good gaming space.



Itemized Illustration



Inappropriate Language

To keep good gaming practice and allow all players to watch and use the gaming channel normally, please abide by internet etiquette and maintain a clean and pure gaming space. Players are prohibited from using any curse words in the public channel, either directly, indirectly, by implication, dialect, slang, misspelled words (phonetics), numbers, graphics, homophonic puns, insults, normal or reverse writing of such relevant terms or textual combination to form such words or contents. In the event of any of the incidents detailed below occurring in the public channel, the GM may impose sanctions directly depending on the relevant situation without prior notice. If a statement published on the channel is not listed in the restrictions below, and is not allowed, the GM will make a decision based on their personal determination of moral and social concepts.
1 .Any player posts indecent language that is low-class, blasphemous, rude, insulting, slandering, personal attack, threatening, instigating, racially or sexually discriminative, obscene, sensational, with pornographic content or meaning or in breach of good social morals in a public channel or GM’s channel. (The GM will not actively intervene with players’ statements in non-public channels, but the person suffering from slandering language may take photographic evidence and file a relevant complaint with the judicial authority in accordance with the law. The Company will provide assistance in accordance with official documents from the judicial authority.)
2 .Intentional obstruction, insult or cheating against official staff.
3 .Distributing false or inappropriate statements against the Company in public channels (including public and non-public information or pure personal speculation by the player). The Company reserves all rights of legal pursuit if it suffers any damage.
4 .Flooding of the public channel by repeated posting and obstructing players’ normal viewing of the channel, such as repeating a message 5 or more times within 30 seconds. Continuous posting of meaningless content (such as letters/digits, scrambled codes, symbols) or using the same revolving text to post repeatedly and with frequency also constitute flooding.
5 .Handling of personal dispute or mutual name-calling by players in public channels or attempted dissemination or influence on other players to join the dispute.
6 .Violation of personal privacy protection within the game or channel, such as disclosing account details of another player.
7 .Acts or contents of commercial advertising on a channel (such as advertising to sell non-game-related merchandise or involving transactions of physical objects of value).
8 .Illegal advertising for selling unlawful objects such as narcotics or weaponry, or involving escorts or pornographic services.
9 .Contents with criminal acts or solicitation of crime.
10 .Hate speech or content that is demeaning, slandering or instigating discrimination or violence based on race, skin color, caste, ethnicity, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, gender, gender identification, disability or veteran status, immigration status, social and economic status, age, weight or pregnancy. We prohibit terrorist organization, violent extremist and hate organizations from using our platform and we do not tolerate, promote or assist any content of violent extremism or terrorism.



Malicious influence on others/malicious use of official reporting channel, failure to comply with GM’s instruction and determination about acts that influence operation (including insult against GM)

When a player maliciously influences gaming by others, such as filing bad-faith complaints, influencing GMs or customer service centers’ work or influence on other players’ right to contact the GM or customer service center, or uses meaningless and repetitive content in the game, or makes inappropriate statements (including language that is low-class, blasphemous, rude, insulting, slandering, personally attacking, threatening, instigating, racially or sexually discriminative, obscene, sensational, with pornographic content or meaning or in breach of good social morals), the Company may handle the event in accordance with the management rules.



Inappropriate pseudo name/guild name

1. It is prohibited to use non-Chinese/English fonts or symbols, or any term that is threatening, obscene, slandering or racially discriminative as pseudo name, including any special character, blank character or special symbol.
2. It is prohibited to use any guild name that impersonates any GM or any organization, employee or customer service staff related to Gamania Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter the “Company”) or that may create such confusion or misunderstanding. Upon discovery of such breach by the GM or whistleblowing by a player, official sanction may be imposed depending on the level of gravity (the restriction includes full/half-size fonts, upper/lower case letters, homophonic puns, etc.)
3. Any name of insinuation or insult against others or any special encoding (such as special character, blank space, Japanese, simplified Chinese) that makes the name unrecognizable.



False personal data

Players shall not register any member account with non-personal details. Upon confirmation of false representation through verification, the Company may terminate the Game Service Agreement with you.



Intention or recognition of buying cash (game point card), selling account, props, game coins or points

1. Including any player’s transaction or exchange (including advertising) of real money or object of value.
2. The Company prohibits transactions of game props with other players using real money. In case of any issue with any point or prop acquired other than through the official channel, the player shall bear the risk and the Company shall not be liable.



Impersonating official staff

Any player who uses any statement or pseudonym to impersonate official staff or claims to be an official representative or game administrator in the gaming language to confuse any third party will be sanctioned in accordance with the administration terms and conditions.



Using bugs to play the game

1. During the officially provided testing or free-trial period, no compensation will be provided for any objects, levels, or money-back generated from game bugs.
2. Players shall not use any non-natural or non-intentional error bug in the game (non-published bug will be determined by the Company) or any game loophole, or event create any overload on the server or down-time, etc., to benefit oneself or any other person, creating an imbalance in the game. After a player discovers a bug in the game, he/she should swiftly report this to the game administrator. If a player uses any bug in the gaming program, any incompleteness in the rules or any other abnormal manner to acquire or duplicate virtual treasure, equipment, feature capability, experience value, role information, or significant leveling-up or profit in the game, creating any loss from the imbalance of the game, or any behavior that creates overload or down-time of the server, the prior correct status of all data of all related parties will be reinstated based on the Company’s determination. In case of breach, the Company will terminate its Game Service Agreement with you and will also pursue relevant legal liability.
3. No improper skill of any type shall be publicly discussed in any public area in the game. Any breach will be sanctioned. Any intentional sabotage of the gaming process flow, having an impact on most players’ interest, will be sanctioned by the Company. The Company has the final right of interpretation and judgment on all improper behavior.



Automated assistance program such as plugin/script

1. Players shall not directly or indirectly use any illegal tool such as non-officially provided assisting program, plugin program, acceleration program or alteration program to sabotage the balance of the game.
2. Players must play the game in front of the computer monitor during game time. If it is confirmed that the player is not in front of the monitor but the avatar is still performing gaming actions, the event will be deemed as a robot and will be handled in accordance with administration terms and conditions.
3. Players must respond to any inquiry from the GM at all times and comply with the requirements for testing purposes. If the member does not reply or fails to follow the GM’s instructions, the GM will lock the member account in accordance with the gaming charter breached by the member. The member shall not evade the rule by arguing about offline, gaming angle, closing of conversation channel, inability to observe the surrounding or inability to respond or cooperate with the testing because the game was not used by him/her personally. All players should pay attention!
4. Players shall not hack, intercept or sabotage the gaming program, or alter, compile or change the original program, lock or terminate the lockage of the game, or use any improper manner to alter gaming account or passcode, or duplicate or change packet, value, etc., to change the data in the game contents or to use the game in other improper manners.
5. Players are prohibited from changing the member gaming account, passcode or changing the data in the gaming contents through duplication or alteration of package values through debugging, reverse tracing, compiling, software conversion tool, or changing the locking or unlocking on the original program system or through other improper means. Upon confirmation of such act, the Company will terminate the Game Service Agreement with you and reserves the legal pursuit right.
6. Any promotion of plugin website, plugin name or invitation, teaching other users to use “any illegal tool such as non-officially provided assisting program, plugin program, acceleration program or alteration program” in any game channel (public channel, private channel, team channel, public channel, etc.) shall be deemed plugin distribution. The Company may terminate the Game Service Agreement with you and reserves the legal pursuit right.
7 If you use any non-officially provided assisting program such as plugin/script, etc. to play the game, the system will directly record the abnormal gaming status of the player and we will impose sanction according to the administration terms and conditions after confirmation that the player’s records are different from a normal player.



Installation of private server without official and original manufacture’s authorization

It is prohibited to create, use, or provide any server simulator for the “Elsword Online” online game that is not owned by the company, and no publication, distribution, or use of any tool, simulator, or relevant program to alter “Elsword Online” shall be made without the Company’s consent. Upon discovery of a breach, the Company may terminate the Game Service Agreement with you and will pursue relevant legal liabilities.



Intentional cheating or fraudulent use of other player’s game coins or props

1. Players shall not maliciously defraud or steal (use) other players’ props, coins, accounts or points. Any such event will be determined by the Company through game histories and sanctions will be imposed on the account based on their gain and the severity of the infraction. The Game Service Agreement with you may also be terminated.
2. Any attempt to maliciously display the quantity of props in a certain number of coins using a manner other than the pre-set one in the game, with the intention of deceiving other players and defrauding them of props or coins, will be met with sanctions by the Company. The level of severity will be taken into account and, depending on the circumstances, the Game Service Agreement with you may be terminated.
3. If a player is involved in a judicial case due to personal behavior in the game or if the judicial authority discovers any unlawful behavior, the Company will impose sanctions depending on the level of gravity. Alternatively, the Company may terminate the Game Service Agreement with you.



Possession of illegal prop

1. Theft or other players’ accounts, props, game coins or points.
2. In case of improper acceptance of objects by players through use of system anomaly (bug) or coins and props acquired by other players through cheating or fraud (fraudulent use), the right to use the account will first be suspended. The account owner should contact the customer service center and provide relevant explanations.
3. If a player intentionally uses prohibited equipment or does not comply with the instructions from our customer service center, the Company reserves the right to terminate the Game Service Agreement with that player.




1. It is prohibited to intentionally sabotage, hack, revise or crack any system, server or user-end data. it is also prohibited to use any other program or software to influence the operation of the game. In case of breach, the Company will terminate the Game Service Agreement and will pursue relevant legal liabilities of the offender.
2. In case of object transaction, fraud or fraudulent account use in the course of the game or any other event that involves civil or criminal liability, the Company may restrict the player’s gaming account and use of relevant services pursuant to the requirement of the judicial authority, including temporary lockage of the account and provision of gaming histories, etc. The same is applicable to any gaming in breach of fair and reasonable manner or any behavior that is deemed criminal or suspicious of criminal offense.



※In case of any discrepancy between Chinese and English versions of the terms and conditions, the Chinese version shall prevail.